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The OUAI Forward Transparency Report

The OUAI Forward Transparency Report


Hey OUAI Fam, in June we made a commitment, as a team and a brand, to be actively anti-racist. Today, we’re releasing a Transparency Report to share how we’re ensuring diverse candidate slates for open roles, creating change from within, and ultimately, holding ourselves accountable to our ongoing efforts and commitments.

We Pledged to Donate $100,000

In June, we pledged to donate $100,000 this year to organizations that support the Black community and the advancement of an actively anti-racist society. So far, we have donated:

We Continue to Diversify Our Team

Over the summer, we also told you that we do not have enough Black voices on our team, which at the time included just one Black employee who is also a member of our executive leadership team. While we’re proud of the mostly women-identifying, diverse fabric of our company, one minority group does not supplement another and we’ve been making moves to include more Black voices. Today, those numbers look like:

    • 43--the total number of employees at OUAI
    • 24--the total number of employees who identify as BIPOC
    • 4--the total number of employees who identify as Black

    We Engaged A Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Partner to Help us Define Our Diversity Mission

    We’re working with a DEI partner to help us define our diversity mission as a company and help us shape the OUAI forward. With the help of The Collective, as a team we will continue to grow and improve through:

    • Reflection
    • Shared conversation
    • Education
    • Setting long-term strategy to implement new DEI practices at OUAI

    We Dedicated Our Platform to Amplify Black Voices

    Over the past few months, the OUAI forward has meant creating dialogue and content that examine the complexities of racial injustices and issues facing BIPOC communities. Through our monthly “The OUAI Forward” series on Instagram, we’ve handed over our platform to activists, experts, and BIPOC creators to share their stories and knowledge on topics like:

    We Contributed Our Time to OUAIs We Can Personally Fight Against Systemic Racism

    Each week, we receive action-based tools and tasks rooted in contributing our time, dedication, and donations to OUAIs we can personally fight against system racism, including:

    • Petitions to sign
    • Organizations to learn more about
    • Funds to contribute to
    • Suggested prompts and issues to discuss within personal networks
    What has been resonating with you? Email with your thoughts, feedback, and suggestions for us to consider as we continue on our OUAI forward
    Click here for more ways that you can make a difference in eradicating systemic racism




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