The Best Advice We Got From Our Moms

The Best Advice We Got From Our Moms


Queen, confidante, real-life Superwoman—ahead of Mother's Day we're feeling especially grateful for our moms. Whether near or apart this year, our minds are on her—for always holding down the fort, giving the best hugs, and of course, bestowing invaluable advice on us. Here the OUAI team shares the best advice their mom ever gave them. Because after all, mother knows best. 

Bill Stewart, VP of Operations

My mom said to me, "If you screw this up and lose this girl, (Chris—my girlfriend at the time and now my wife of 37 years) you are an idiot.” Very good advice!

Lindsay Wolf, Director of PR and Communications

My mom always told me to not let the inadequacies of others disrupt my equilibrium and sense of self... always loved that. Oh, and SPF SPF SPF all day, erry day.

Amanda Martinez, Director of Social Media

My mom told me I need to give my boyfriend at least half the attention I give my dog.

Erin Dwyer, VP of Digital 

"Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right. Don't let your mind stop you from your goals."

Ted Emmons, Art Director 

The best advice my mom gave me is to always remember to eat your vegetables.

Emma Klipstein, Social Media Manager

My mom always says, "Make like a duck and let the water roll off your back." In other words, get over it.

Stephanie Abramovici, Customer Experience Specialist

My mom said, "There's a difference between true love and first love, don't run off with the first person you give your heart to."

Sandra DiRosa, Customer Experience Manager 

"Save your money!"

Leandra Quintero, Brand Marketing Manager

My mom told me to always use a heat protectant on my hair (I didn’t know what she meant by that till I started working at OUAI).

Jess Ryan, Director of Key Accounts

My mom always says, “Don’t borrow trouble!” Advise I try to remember since I always stress about a worse case scenario before it happens!

Nina Aghadjanian, Blog Content Manager

The best advice my mom ever gave me is to do one thing every day that nurtures my friendships and family ties.

Kennia Galindo, Sales Coordinator

My mom's advise to my siblings and I is never to think less of ourselves, if others can then so can we.

Arie Noji, Product Development Director 

My mom's best advice was to always stay creative and do what you love!

Hannah Beals, VP of Brand Marketing 

My mom taught me that blondes have more fun (we're both natural brunettes, as quarantine has cruelly reminded me).

Juliet Sivori, Brand Marketing Coordinator

My mom always taught me not to over-pluck my eyebrows.

Diana Pratasiewicz, Director of Education Content 

My mom’s advice was always, “That’s too short, take it off. Skirts should be knee length or below.” Tall kid problems.

Now call your mom and tell her you love her